Midnight Oil (and Owning a Company)


Lots of people have asked me what it’s like to own a company. Here’s what I generally say:

Making your own schedule is great. Leading people is a wonderful adventure. But at the end of the day, when something absolutely has to be done, you and the partners are ultimately responsible, no one else.

Tonight that means writing code and content until the wee hours of the morning.

The Window Seat

Today I had several hours of work to do in a hotel room, so I dragged the desk to the window for sunlight and at least some sort of view (other than beige walls).

It’s funny how we put ourselves in boxes of convention and simply accept things as they are-even when they are changeable.

I’m not sure why I’d never thought about rearranging furniture to create a more conducive work environment in a hotel, but I’ll do it whenever possible from now on.

The Boss’ Desk

There’s a lot of psychology around what the condition of your desk at work says about you.

I’m not sure what this means for the CEO of The Iron Yard, but I do know that it puts a smile on my face every day.

(In case you can’t tell, all if the sets in the background are scenes from Star Wars as well.)

Wild Green Potion

We were given a juicer recently and I now consume wild green concoctions almost every day. My wife prepares them and I try to guess the ingredients.

I’m no health junky, but apparently you still glean most of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables just from the juice (you miss out on the fiber). That means one cup contains far more good stuff than a single serving if either.

Interesting stuff.