Places to Put Things: The Cabinet

This is the second-to-last update on this blog.

This point in the project was critical to me: I was able to move back into my own house. For two months I was graciously housed by my parents, but the long late-night commute after hard physical labor, after long days at the desk, was starting to wear on me.

After moving the few essentials I”d taken to my parents back into my own castle, I called my good friend and master carpenter Victor Berg about helping me piece together a suitable cabinet for storage.

We talked through several different options, made even more measurements, and settled on the conclusion that utilizing every inch of storage space was never a bad idea in a bathroom that small. We plotted a floor-to-ceiling, two-section built in cabinet.

Victor was a phenomenal teacher both in selecting the best pieces of wood from the lumber yard and in teaching casino online me how to plan cuts, choose the right edges to glue, and run a board through a router straight and safely.

Below are a few pictures of the cabinet in the shop.

2012-03-08 Bathroom cabinet 01

2012-03-08 Bathroom cabinet 02

2012-03-08 Bathroom cabinet 03

2012-03-10 Bathroom cabinet 05

I”ll post final pictures of it in the next post, which will be the final “after” shots.

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Practicing the art of bringing guns to a knife fight.

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